发表时间:2018-09-18 阅读次数:1840次

Political Philosophy Lecture Series


Dr. Lukas H. Meyer

Professor of Philosophy, University of Graz, Austria



Title题目:Normative Authority and Legitimate Expectations有关气候变化的规范和合法性问题

Time 时间: 918日(Sept. 18)周二 14:00 -15:30

Venue地点: Rm. 2301, 光华西主楼(Western Guanghua Tower


In this lecture I attempt to describe a problem that is both neglected and important. This is the problem of systematically distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate expectations. I will discuss it in the light of a specific context where I believe the problem exists, namely climate change and the transformation to a low-carbon economy and society. Second, I sketch three theories of normative authority that each allows me to make this systematic distinction. And, finally, I argue that legitimate expectations with respect to a just and effective solution to climate change have normative significance in that they ought to be taken into account when delineating what could count as such a solution and a fair distribution of the costs of adapting to the conditions that will hold when such a solution is implemented.


Introduction of Dr. Lukas H. Meyer 个人介绍

Having received his Doctorate from Oxford University under the guidance of the world-renowned political philosopher Joseph Raz and having completed his Habilitation at the University of Bremen, Lukas H. Meyer is Professor of Philosophy and Head of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Graz, Austria. Since 2014 Meyer has been the speaker of the inter-faculty and interdisciplinary doctoral programme on climate change, funded by the Austrian Science Fund. As one of the first philosophers he served as a lead author of the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change). His recent publications include Climate Change and Historical Emissions, co-edited, Cambridge 2017; Intergenerational Justice, co-edited Oxford, 2012; Intergenerational Justice, edited Ashgate 2012; Democracy, Equality and Justice, co-edited, London 2011; Legitimacy, Justice and Public International Law, edited, Cambridge, 2009; Historische Gerechtigkeit, Berlin 2005. Meyer is a founding editor of the journal Moral Philosophy and Politics (de Gruyter). For more information see https://homepage.uni-graz.at/en/lukas.meyer/.

