Project Introction
Exploring the role of ‘high-emitting’ groups in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon society
Published:2013-08-02 Hits:865


Research Team Leaders:  Xingyi Dai, Yuan Ren           

Project description:

This project focuses on the carbon emission in the field of consumption in order to form unique features of low carbon research of Fudan University. 

The objectives of this project are to spot the high emitting group and access their emission-related activities; to analyse the impact of population structure changing to carbon emission in China; to evaluate the influence of low carbon techniques. spreading and regulation intervention to China’s low carbon society transformation.

The research crew consists of 13 researchers come from China and UK. Their academic backgrounds cover public policies analysis, environmental management, environmental law, city planning and management, demography, energy and climate change and so on. 

The initial idea of this project came from a close communication of scholars between China and UK. They continue to exchange views timely till now.This project tries to provide a multi-disciplinary opinions to carbon emissions associated with daily life and comparison between China and UK.

Major research techniques of this project include Social investigation, to compensate the lack of statistical data; Scenario analysis, to predict the possible perspective distribution of carbon emission among population; Life Cycle Assessment, to analyze the relationship between consumption and carbon emission; Input-Output analysis, to analyze the distribution of carbon emission; Modeling researches, to simulate the spreading of low carbon alternative activities.

Main expected achievements include Policy proposals submitted to the government, Reports and research papers intended to be published, academic conferences and a low-carbon research group with Fudan style.