Project Introction
The Development of Low Carbon Societies in Emergent Economies; Are There Useful Lessons for China?
Published:2013-08-02 Hits:710

Research Team Leaders:Wenbo Dong , Ping Jiang 


Developing countries that share most population and have the highest growth of economic development have to face more serious challenges of development and environment. Thus, the developing countries pay a more important role in adopting and mitigating climate change. 

More and more developing countries have issue their strategies of enhancing low carbon societies in recent years. This research is to explore how the developing countries develop their low carbon societies based on their real realities, and how China can learn from the developing world in designing its own low carbon sustainable strategy with the medium and long term objectives. The research is also to analyse China’s role and its potential contribution in establishing low carbon societies in the international community. This study complies with the strategy of Fudan Tyndall Centre about the climate change and sustainable development in the international community and especially it is meaningful for China’s low carbon sustainable development in this century.  In the first phase of study (1.5 years), three main developing countries, i.e. India, Indonesia and Brazil are selected as cases for understanding the low carbon societies through assessing the policy, institutional architecture, governance and building capacity in these three countries. In the second phase (1.5 years), the focus of study will be put on China’s low carbon sustainable development. Based on the comparison made between China and three countries, the recommendations will be worked out for policy makers on establishing the low carbon society with the short-term and long-term goals in China in 21st century.       
This is a three-year international collaboration research project will be undertaken by Fudan University and the University of East Anglia (UEA). 
Based on the outcomes of this study, 1-3 SCI or SSCI papers would be published. 1-2 international workshops would be organized for this project. 2-3 conference papers could be made for the international conferences in China, the UK and other countries. And 1-3 postgraduate students would be involved this project and get trainings.