Research Team Leaders: Xiangrong WANG, Richard Dawson
The proposed research will develop an Integrated Assessment Modeling capacity resolved at the urban scale to provide policy and planning-relevant analysis of extreme events, LUCC, and analysis of the effectiveness of sustainable development measures. This Urban Integrated Assessment System (UIAS) will initially be developed and applied in Shanghai but its application to other Chinese cities will be an important objective throughout the research project.
B.Fit to Fudan Tyndall Centre Research Strategy
This project is consistent with the objectives of the Fudan Tyndall Centre, which are to build on Fudan’s disciplinary strengths to develop a campus-wide interdisciplinary platform to address the challenge of climate change. A key driver of this research is to place the Fudan Tyndall Centre at the forefront of international research, including through international collaborations, most notably with the Tyndall Centre.
Some methods such as regional economic modeling, LUCC modeling, climate impacts analysis (flooding, heat island) and greenhouse gas emissions accounting will be employed in this project. An effective existing methodology, benefitting from many person-years of development at the Tyndall Centre, which can be translated for operation in Shanghai by using local expertise, data and policy scenarios. Moreover, the novel integration of the eco-vulnerability concepts developed at Fudan, in consultation with planners, urban designers, local policy makers and other stakeholders, the Shanghai-specific UIAS will represent a valuable resource for Fudan and for the city.
D.International Collaborations
This proposal was conceived as a collaboration between Fudan University and the Tyndall Centre (Newcastle University).
Key project outputs will include:
Publications in high-impact international journals.
Provision of highly-policy relevant options and reports to the Shanghai and National Governments to manage climate-related risks and to aid sustainable economic development.
Development of a unique assessment tool for the Fudan Tyndall Centre which may be applied in other cities.