Project Introction
Urban- and Regional-Scale Air Quality, Public Health, and (in later phases) Interactions Between Greenhouse Gas and Other Emissions
Published:2013-08-02 Hits:829


Research Team Leaders: Xin YANGHaidong KAN.


a. Objectives

  The first phase of this work will examine the key processes for atmospheric particle pollution, the regional transport and spatio-temporal profiles, especially of PM2.5, and links to human health including economic cost. Future phases of the research will be in collaboration with Tyndall Centre partners to include interactions between air quality, greenhouse gas reductions, and human health, as well as climate effects of changing emissions, and climate-related impacts on health.


b. Fit to Fudan Tyndall Centre Research Strategy 

  This project strives to address scientific questions interlinking air pollution and human health associated with climate change. The goal is to illustrate the fact of and identify solutions to air quality and health improvement under various scenarios of carbon intensity of Chinese economy.


c. Methods

  A research platform of atmospheric pollutants and human health, the first of this kind in China, will be constructed. This integrated platform spans from ambient monitoring of atmospheric pollutants, to laboratory investigation of mechanisms of atmospheric chemical processes, and to human exposure evaluation, which ultimately provides a collaboration opportunity for researchers from a wide range of disciplines, especially those from environmental sciences and public health.

  Long-term integrated monitoring of atmospheric gaseous pollutants and aerosol particles will be performed in Shanghai. Chemical compositions of atmospheric PM2.5 and PM10, secondary pollutants (e.g., O3, HONO), and formation mechanisms of internally and externally mixed soot aerosols will be investigated in the Shanghai region and Yangzi River Delta. 

  As a further step, the associations between PM2.5 constituents and daily mortality/morbidity will be examined with a time-series generalized additive model. 

  Health impact and health-based economic assessment of black carbon and ozone is another key component of the proposed study. The corresponding economic costs of the health damages will also be estimated. 


d. International Collaborations

  In the future phase of this project, we seek collaboration opportunities with Tyndall Centre partners at different levels. Our activity will focus on interactions between air quality, public health, and greenhouse gas emissions in a broad context of climate change. Although Fudan-Tyndall Centre might fund the later phase of this work, joint research proposals to National Natural Science foundation of China and the Royal Society of England are especially welcome.


e. Outputs.

   Execution of the proposed research helps to solidify the national leading role of Fudan University at the interface of environmental science and public health and more importantly, new research fields that emerges from those two.