Prof Davies spends time at Fudan and UEA (where he is Pro Vice Chancellor) to ensure smooth functioning of the partnership. Research interests include: air pollution transport and deposition; chemical hydrology; ozone episodes; local meteorology; climatology and climate variability. He has been: Director of the Climatic Research Unit 1993-98; Dean of the School of Environmental Sciences 1998-2004; PVC Research, Enterprise and Engagement, 2004-11. He helped found the UK Tyndall Centre; and established a number of low carbon activities at UEA and elsewhere. He has been Member of the Natural Environment Research Council, and Council Member of the Royal Meteorological Society.
Dec 2009 ~ Now Deputy Dean of the Dept Environm Sci & Engn, Fudan Univ
May 2004 ~ Nov 2009 Dean of the Dept Environm Sci & Engn, Fudan Univ
May 1998 ~ Mar 2004 Deputy Dean of the Dept Environm Sci & Engn, Fudan Univ
Mar 1996 ~ Apr 1997 Visiting Professor in the Univ Pittsburgh
Oct 1994 ~ Mar 1996 Deputy Dean of the Dept Chem, Fudan Univ
Excellent Academic Leader of Shanghai, STCSM, 2013
Baosteel Excellent Teacher Award, Baosteel Education Foundation, 2010
Invention & Entrepreneurship Award, China Association of Inventions, 2010