Driving mechanisms and feedbacks of the land greening
发表时间:2017-06-08 阅读次数:540次


报告题目: Driving mechanisms and feedbacks of the land greening


报告人:Dr. Jiafu Mao


报告人简介:美国橡树岭国家实验室气候变化研究所R&D Staff Scientist


He studies the response and feedback of land surface to climate change. His work primarily involves understanding hydrology, carbon cycling, and vegetation dynamics in the terrestrial ecosystems with field measurements, satellite data, process-oriented land surface and Earth system models; investigating the land surface response to multiple-factor global change and to attribute the variations of terrestrial ecosystem dynamics to natural and anthropogenic drivers; and global scale coupling research primarily concentrating on land-climate interactions with the integrated Earth system modeling framework. His research has been published in leading journals including Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Biogeosciences, Global Change Biology and Journal of Climate among others.



时  间:2017年6月8日上午9:00-11:30

地  点:子彬院北102会议室
