Workshop on Sustainable Pathways and Transformations of Urban Systems
Published:2016-11-29 Hits:1273


Fudan Tyndall Centre held a workshop on Sustainable Pathways and Transformations of Urban Systems in November 15-17. Participants include the delegates from University of Hamburg and Macquarie University who are working with Fudan University in a trilateral cooperation, and academics from Fudan University and other domestic and international institutes. The workshop started with opening remarks by Professor Weichun MA from Fudan University, Professor Jurgen Ossenbrugge from University of Hamburg, and Director Assistant Ping JIANG from Fudan Tyndall Centre, where speakers highlighted the importance of international cooperation in tackling climate change and introduced the history and contribution of Department of Environmental Science and Engineering of Fudan University.


On the first day of the workshop, participants from Fudan, Hamburg, and Macquarie made presentations on a variety of topics mainly in the field of urban environment and development, such as co-benefits of air pollution and GHG emissions reduction, transitions in rural-urban energy landscapes, values based approaches in urban environmental governance, and city branding practices in China’s three mega-city regions. After introducing their research findings, participants had vivid discussions on theoretical approaches and frameworks, as well as research synergies and collaboration opportunities, to set a foundation for co-publishing which will be an important output of this trilateral cooperation


On the second day, participants from Hamburg, Fudan, Tongji, and other research institutes across the world introduced their studies on various aspects of urban environment and its challenges and opportunities. In the afternoon, Antje Katzschner from Hamburg, Leigh Staas from Macquarie, and Ping JIANG from Fudan introduced trilateral strategic partnership and funding opportunities from each of the three universities.


On the last day of the workshop, participants from the trilateral cooperation team had a final discussion and reached preliminary agreement on the frameworks of co-publishing papers, the plan of next workshop, and timetables of follow-up work.