Newcastle University
Published:2013-08-02 Hits:1055


Our research mission in Tyndall Newcastle is to provide analyses, tools and demonstrations to enable practical responses to the challenges of intensifying global change. We are tackling the complexity of coupled technological, human and natural systems, at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Our research is shaping the management of long term change and associated uncertainties, in particular along coastlines, in river basins, within urban areas and nationally.
Newcastle joined the Tyndall Centre in 2004, working within the Coastal theme during Phase 1.  We became core partners in Phase 2 and took responsibility for leading the new Cities research theme which led to the development of the Urban Integrated Assessment Facility: a truly interdisciplinary endeavour that allows climate impacts, adaptation and mitigation to be analysed in the same quantified assessment framework. Currently Newcastle co-ordinate, with Southampton University, the Cities and Coasts theme.
Newcastle University are one of the UK's leading universities with a reputation built on the quality of our teaching, outstanding research and our work with the community and industry. Climate related research at Newcastle University covers Urban sustainability, Infrastructure systems, Adaptation and Resilience, Water resources, Climate downscaling and climate impacts analysis, Flood and Coastal engineering, Spatial planning, Waste and environmental engineering, Transport and Energy.
The Tyndall Centre at Newcastle University is hosted in the Centre for Earth Systems Engineering Research which is based in the School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at Newcastle University. The School was ranked 2nd in terms of HEFCE's QR funding allocation in Civil Engineering in the most recent (2008) Research Assessment Exercise.