University of Sussex
Published:2013-08-02 Hits:1022


Tyndall Sussex has been a core partner in the Tyndall Centre since the Centre was founded in 2000. Tyndall Sussex research is managed as part of the Sussex Energy Group a leading social science research group that conducts engaged, multidisciplinary research on transitions to low carbon energy systems.
The Sussex Energy Group is based in the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) in the School of Business, Management and Economics. Tyndall Sussex research has also drawn on other competences within the University of Sussex, particularly the Departments of Economics and Geography. Members of the Sussex Energy Group also collaborate on climate change and energy research with colleagues in the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) – including research within the ESRC STEPS Centre and through the Climate Change and Development Centre
Tyndall Sussex research focuses on climate change mitigation by analysing the implications of climate science for changes in energy systems – with a particular focus on low carbon pathways for developing countries. Current and recent examples of projects include the application of the Tyndall Manchester carbon budgeting methodology for a report: China’s Energy Transition, several phases of work with Indian and Chinese institutions on low carbon innovation and technology transfer to inform the UN climate negotiations, a series of consultancies for international agencies on low carbon innovation and development, and a project on interactions between global climate and trade policy regimes (with the Department of Economics). 
Looking forward, Tyndall Sussex will continue to focus on low carbon development pathways and the particular role of innovation in such pathways. Tyndall Sussex research will also draw on complementary projects within the Sussex Energy Group which are more concerned with transitions in UK and European energy systems. These include research on the politics of low carbon innovation, the role of carbon capture and storage in energy system pathways, community innovation for sustainable energy, and sustainable lifestyles.