A workshop on Climate Change and Regional Sustainability
发表时间:2017-06-02 阅读次数:609次


A workshop on Climate Change and Regional Sustainability


Date: June 2nd, 2017

Venue: No.2 Meeting Room, 1st floor, Yifu Building, Fudan University逸夫楼1楼2号会议室(不是科技楼!)


*Chaired by Dr. Xiao Li

Time: 09:30-10:30

Title: What will be the BIG Challenges for Governments, Businesses, Universities and Societies in the Context of Climate Changes?

Speaker: Prof. Donald Huisingh     University of Tennessee, USA; Founding Editor of JCLP


* Chaired by Dr. Mingxing Sun

Time: 10:30-11:30

Title: Economic Analyses of Environmental Values and Air Pollution

Speaker: Prof. Lars Hansson       Lund University, Sweden


Time: 13:30-14:15

Title: Research on City-level Greenhouse Gas Inventories

Speaker: Prof. Yan Li            Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan


Time: 14:15-15:00

Title: Advanced Manufacturing for Sustainability and Low Fossil Carbon Emissions

Speaker: Prof. Mingzhou Jin      University of Tennessee, USA
